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Ball of Bees! Bee Removal Galveston Tx

Galveston Bee Removal Service
Bee Swarm on a Swing set

Galveston Bee Removal Service

Galveston Texas with sunshine and sea wall host tons of tourist during the warmers months looking to relax and have some fun in the sun. Warmers months also invite all types of flying insects especially Honey Bees. With all the people eating and drinking sugary type of stuff like sodas, ice cream and other stuff honey bees love the to hover around the trash cans. We also get Honey Bee Swarms that like to land in the craziest places cars, boats, commercial stores and restaurants. Please do not attempt to remove the bees yourself or spray them. Call a professional bee removal company like 911 Honey Bee Removal were right down the street and can help fast 832-598-7244 . Bee removal in Galveston tx is very common on beach house as the bees will take up residence in the sub-floor under the stilted houses. We have over 30 years experience and can help remove the bees . We love to help with any Galveston Bee Removal issue you may have give us a call today for a free bee removal estimate.



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